Ferry Project

In 2007 photographer Michael Falco installed a 10 x 30 foot glass mural at the newly reconstructed Staten Island Ferry Terminal. Commissioned by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Falco sought to celebrate the terminal’s new construction with artwork that reflected the drama of the City’s maritime history.  

Fabricated at Steindl Glas in Bavaria, under the direction Gabriel Meyer at Franz  Meyer of Munich, Falco’s artwork was applied using a four-colour silk-screen process and sectioned in seven panes of tempered safety glass.  

Installed at the ferry terminal in 2007 the mural entitled, “Where Marsh Meets the Sea” now graces the ferry terminals’ west entrance.  

“I wanted the artwork to feel like the viewer was exploring a marsh on Staten  Island, peering through the weeds, and discovering the drama of the City’s  maritime history.”